Tuesday, January 31, 2017

trump repeal obamacare

trump repeal obamacare

the affordable care (ks) act could be facing a dire future. (mm) as part of his campaign.. president-elect donald trump has

promised to get rid of the program and replace it. eyewitness news reporter rosie woods has the details on how that could affect rhode islanders.. new at five thirty

prepro 109-122 president elect trump promised to repeal the affordable care act as soon as he took office. that could impact thousands right here in rhode island. today, we reached out to

healthsource ri to see how they are preparing. it was a common topic on the campaign trail. i am going to ask congress to send me a bill to repeal and replace finally obamacare. it's a disaster.

and, president elect donald trump promised to take action as soon as he enters the white house. it's going to be a very busy first day but, trump's promise to completely dismantle obamacare could face

hurdles. in order to repeal. trump would have to make one of two things happen. he would either need 60 votes in the senate to pass a repeal. or, he would have to use the senate's budget

reconciliation process, which only requires 51 votes. that means, president elect trump is more likely to change or repeal pieces of obamacare. i think the prudent thing is to go

ahead and make changes where they are due and justified but an appeal would be very disruptive and very costly and leave thousands thousands of rhode islanders without access to affordable healthcare

representatives from healthsource ri were unable to meet with us today but sent the following email saying in part: "we are prepared to react to any changes that may be made at the federal level. in the meantime,

our primary focus is to continue working hard to provide the customer service rhode islanders need to enroll in coverage during open enrollment season."

and it's not just healthsource r-i. obamacare also expanded medicaid to cover an additional 77,000 rhode islanders . full repeal would also eliminate coverage for them. as of now though - trump has

not released a detailed plan related to dismantling obamacare. in the control room rw

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