Wednesday, February 1, 2017

trump single payer

trump single payer

it's hard to keep track of all the times republican presidential candidate donald trump has flipped on key positions during his campaign. single-payer healthcare is no exception. here he is at a primary debate defending his previous support for single payer: "as far as single-payer, it works in canada, it works

incredibly well in scotland, it could have worked in a different age which is the age you're talking about here". one year later trump had something very different to say about canada's health care system: "she wants to go to a single-payer plan which would be a disaster somewhat similar to canada and if you haven't noticed the canadians when they

need a big operation when something happens they come into the united states in many cases because their system is so slow it's it's catastrophic in certain ways but she wants to go to single payer which means the government basically rules everything

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