Friday, February 3, 2017

ryan gop

ryan gop

thank you for watching culture shock tv formerly culture shock news this article comes to us from usa politics breaking news the gop headed by ryan senator ryan is going to defund the planned parenthood and watch their reasons why the story by alex america definitely this is going to be interesting

house republican agenda planned parenthood has been under the eyes of the republicans to defund for a long time and it's not hard to see why planned parenthood is a huge expense for the government and not only that but they have gotten political on their official social media account here a few tweets from that account one states for

many people planned parenthood is their only source of health healthcare that's that's ridiculous the american people don't want and didn't vote for president elect trump to see their healthcare stripped away well that's understandable but planned parenthood is not healthcare its planned parenthood hmm republicans want to

defund a government institution that is playing political favoritism against the very person that the american people did elect president-elect donald trump was elected to be the next president by the american people planned parenthood they must still be in stock and shock after the crushing defeat of hillary clinton government organizations should not get

political especially from their official social media accounts here is paul ryan's announcing the gops plan this is a video link definitely i'll leave you this article link below hillary clinton was a big proponent of planned parenthood and its founder margaret sanger who she hails as an inspiration

the only problem is that margaret sanger the founder of planned parenthood wanted to wipe out african-americans from the planet the organization that the democrats are fighting to keep was founded by a woman that not only one of their golden boy barack obama to never exist but she also spoke at ak meeting after being invited and shared these

benefits quote from the washington times now this is the washington times folks okay they should be a reputable news outlet she even presented at a que you klux klan or ku klux klan rally in 1926 in silver lake new jersey she recounted this event in her autobiography quote i accepted an invitation to talk to the

women's branch of the klu klux klan in a letter to clarence gable in 1939 singer wrote quote we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate really exterminate the negro population while i read that correctly ladies and gentlemen it doesn't get much more ironic than this folks if margaret sanger was such an ideal idle for hillary clinton it

just makes all of her racist comments make even more sense sorry democrats you elected officials are some of the most racist people probably on the planet let's share this everywhere to show the real planned parenthood now i definitely hope mr. senator or representative paul ryan takes care of business and at least revamps it or just eliminate it

completely and then they'll have to go elsewhere to get their so-called health care benefits i'll leave a link below for this article

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